At Trees For Houston, we have the simple yet impactful mission to plant, protect, and promote trees. Now in our 41st year, TFH continues to bring transformational change to the urban landscape of the greater Houston region. In the last decade, our programs have evolved into larger-scale tree plantings and tree giveaways to meet the increased demand for trees across the city.
Facts about our giveaway program:
Trees For Houston hosts tree giveaways in the community and at the TFH Kinder Campus.
Tree giveaways range in size based on location. Sometimes, we have 250 trees, sometimes we have 2,500 trees.
Dates, locations, quantities, and species are determined by seasons, availability, and funding.
We are grateful to funders who help make it possible for us to give free trees away to our community and work hard to provide the best possible experiences at our giveaways. Hosting these events at our new Kinder Campus is something we've always dreamed of. As we continue to learn the facility's capabilities and workings of the neighborhood, we've reimagined what those look like. Beginning this season, ALL tree giveaways hosted by Trees For Houston will be registered events.
The increased popularity and demand for these events have exceeded our wildest expectations, and doing them this way allows us to host them more frequently, making it possible for us to provide everyone with an equal opportunity to receive trees whenever funding is available to host them.
As we partner with more and more neighborhood groups and precincts throughout the city, you might notice smaller community giveaways or outreach events with free trees pop up here and there. These events are hosted by the community, with trees provided by Trees For Houston. Their promotion, guidelines, and other logistics are determined and executed by the hosts.
We look forward to seeing you and thank you for your continued support, patience, and deep passion to help us live our mission. Our hope as we continue to grow our programs, like tree giveaways, is to continue to make them an easy and efficient experience for all.
*PLEASE NOTE: To receive notifications of future giveaway events, please sign up for our newsletter list at Separate emails for each registered giveaway will be sent to newsletter subscribers 7-12 days from the event. At this time we are not able to hold trees that are not picked up.